Types of Mediumship


The text outlines various forms of mediumship in Umbanda, emphasizing that everyone has these abilities, which manifest in different ways, including communication with spirits, guidance, and healing.

  1. Mental Mediumship:

    • Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing): Perceiving spirits visually, either as physical manifestations or within the third eye.

    • Clairaudience (Clear Hearing): Hearing messages from spirits, either internally or as audible voices.

    • Clairsentience (Clear Feeling): Sensing the presence and emotions of spirits, which might include physical sensations or emotions.

    • Claircognizance (Clear Knowing): A clear knowing of information communicated by spirits without knowing how or why.

  2. Physical Mediumship:

    • Trance Mediumship: Entering a trance state to allow spirits to control the medium’s body and speak through them, often used for delivering messages or teachings from spirits.

  3. Channeling:

    • Similar to trance mediumship but involving a deeper, unconscious state. The medium channels a specific spirit or entity, allowing it to take over their body to communicate.

  4. Psychography (Automatic Writing):

    • Writing produced without conscious effort, believed to be the direct influence of spirits providing messages.

  5. Healing Mediumship (Spiritual Healing):

    • Channeling healing energy from the spiritual world to the patient, often without physical contact, to improve health and well-being.

These varied expressions of mediumship highlight the diverse ways in which individuals can interact with and communicate the spiritual realm, each serving unique purposes such as guidance, healing, and communication with spirits. Note that it´s possible to awaken these abilities as you deepen your practice. It takes time and worth the journey.